1869 - 2025

Celebrating 156 years
The Tallebudgera district today is very much in a developing transition. At no time it its rich history on the Gold Coast, has it seen so much activity. With growing numbers in its local school, old farms being developed into small acreage lots, a very popular and handy shopping complex (Man on the Bike) continuing to upgrade and meet the needs of its community, new sporting fields that are home to both soccer & baseball clubs, excellent parklands with walking and bicycle tracks, Community Hall, a thriving Pony Club and three busy Golf Courses operating, it is fair to say the area is having a facelift.
There are many new families and residents now realizing how fantastic this magnificent catchment area really is. Hence, the new acreage housing developments must be appealing to many. Gold Coast City Council Division 14 representative, Cr Gail O’Neill, will no doubt be dealing with many challenges now and in the future, in particular, handling how fast the area does change without losing its real identity.
One thing that has not changed for over 100 years, is that it still can be a stopping point for travellers coming north from Murwillumbah over Tomewin, or south from Nerang over Old Coach Rd (similar to that of the old Cobb & Co). And yes, you can still see the historic Post Office, Catholic Cemetery, Uniting Church and the original State School building. Even the old Tallebudgera Dam is worth driving out to see, given that it was at one point, the Gold Coast’s water supply.
It is fair to say the ‘Man on the Bike’ shops are still Tallebudgera’s central meeting point. With a Spar Convenience Store, Bottle Shop, Seafood Shop, Bakery, Hairdresser, Café and a Pizza Shop on site, it caters for many needs. Not a bad place to have a good yarn and meet other locals!
On the 17th May, 2008, the Dolan family was honoured by the Gold Coast City Council for its pioneering heritage, with the naming of park land ‘Dolan Family Park’ (formerly part of the original Dungogie Station, then from 1869, the Dolan family ‘Belmont’ farm) on the corner of Dungogie Dr & Connection Rd, Tallebudgera. This land was developed by the Miller family, who bought it off Terence & Janet Dolan in 1973. Many locals, family members and friends, gathered on this day to mark the occasion.
On the 10th April, 2018, Tallebudgera played a small part in the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games. Both mens & womens cycling time trials passed through the area with many locals coming out to support the athletes. Both Connection Rd & Guineas Ck Rd created great viewing of these events.
Saturday 5 May, 2018, saw the first 'Tallebudgera Heritage Festival' held at the Tallebudgera Hall. The occasion was well received by local residents with large numbers attending. With a wide range of exhibits, members of the public were able to immerse themselves with the rich history of this great community. It was a great success & a credit to those who organised the event.
Sunday 29 September, 2019, the descendants of Frank, Maggie & Nell Dolan (they had a total of nine children & their now expanding respective families) came together at the Tallebudgera Community Hall to celebrate 150 years in Tallebudgera. The celebration was a fantastic success, with many great stories shared and interesting historical photos displayed. A magic reunion!
This is just a brief overview highlighting only a few of the many attractions and characteristics in Tallebudgera, and I am sure there are many more. One thing is for certain, it is just the best part of the world to live in!!